The Tibetan Buddhist
View on Happiness
There are two ways to treat depression: one is by way of meditation, which not only treats both symptom and illness, but also brings unexpected benefits; the other is by way of medication, which in theory relies on the physiological effects of drugs to control anxiety. Although patients may appear to be free of depression, the drugs have side effects which impair their cognitive ability and thus cannot be used over a long period of time.
If a person is in the initial stage of depression, drugs are unnecessary; by regulating the mind, symptoms such as amnesia, anxiety, and other negative emotions can be treated. When these are alleviated, the person will be able to regain his or her focus and experience greater efficiency at work. If a person's condition is already quite serious, drugs can be used first to contain the symptoms. This is because a new practitioner lacks the ability to stabilize the condition. Once the situation has improved, he or she should follow up with meditation to get to the source of the problem.
Whether we discuss meditation from the standpoint of Buddhism or science, the power of meditative concentration is inconceivable.
阿日扎五明佛学院、密严绿度母净土寺僧尼清净制作,龙称法王亲自开光加持,具大威神力的甘露丸、金刚结、殊胜唐卡免费结缘中。请添加义工微信登记领取:aihu198485 (快递到付形式随机发送一份)。